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Prompt Engineering Quick Start (SDK)

This quick start will walk through how to create, test, and iterate on prompts using the SDK. In this tutorial we will use OpenAI, but you can use whichever LLM you want.


This tutorial uses the SDK for prompt engineering, if you are interested in using the UI instead, read this guide.

1. Setupโ€‹

First, install the required packages:

pip install -qU langsmith openai langchain_core

Next, make sure you have signed up for a LangSmith account, then create and set your API key. You will also want to sign up for an OpenAI API key to run the code in this tutorial.

LANGSMITH_API_KEY = '<your_api_key>'
OPENAI_API_KEY = '<your_api_key>'

2. Create a promptโ€‹

To create a prompt in LangSmith, define the list of messages you want in your prompt and then wrap them using the ChatPromptTemplate function (Python) or TypeScript function. Then all you have to do is call push_prompt (Python) or pushPrompt (TypeScript) to send your prompt to LangSmith!

from langsmith import Client
from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate

# Connect to the LangSmith client

client = Client()

# Define the prompt

prompt = ChatPromptTemplate([
("system", "You are a helpful chatbot."),
("user", "{question}"),

# Push the prompt

client.push_prompt("my-prompt", object=prompt)

3. Test a promptโ€‹

To test a prompt, you need to pull the prompt, invoke it with the input values you want to test and then call the model with those input values. your LLM or application expects.

from langsmith import Client
from openai import OpenAI
from langchain_core.messages import convert_to_openai_messages

# Connect to LangSmith and OpenAI

client = Client()
oai_client = OpenAI()

# Pull the prompt to use

# You can also specify a specific commit by passing the commit hash "my-prompt:<commit-hash>"

prompt = client.pull_prompt("my-prompt")

# Since our prompt only has one variable we could also pass in the value directly

# The code below is equivalent to formatted_prompt = prompt.invoke("What is the color of the sky?")

formatted_prompt = prompt.invoke({"question": "What is the color of the sky?"})

# Test the prompt

response =

4. Iterate on a promptโ€‹

LangSmith makes it easy to iterate on prompts with your entire team. Members of your workspace can select a prompt to iterate on, and once they are happy with their changes, they can simply save it as a new commit.

To improve your prompts:

To add a new commit to a prompt, you can use the same push_prompt (Python) or pushPrompt (TypeScript) methods as when you first created the prompt.

from langsmith import Client
from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate

# Connect to the LangSmith client

client = Client()

# Define the prompt to update

new_prompt = ChatPromptTemplate([
("system", "You are a helpful chatbot. Respond in Spanish."),
("user", "{question}"),

# Push the updated prompt making sure to use the correct prompt name

# Tags can help you remember specific versions in your commit history

client.push_prompt("my-prompt", object=new_prompt, tags=["Spanish"])

5. Next stepsโ€‹

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