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Running Support Queries against Clickhouse

This Helm repository contains queries to produce output that the LangSmith UI does not currently support directly (e.g. obtaining query exception logs from Clickhouse).

This command takes a clickhouse connection string that contains an embedded name and password (which can be passed in from a call to a secrets manager) and executes a query from an input file. In the example below, we are using the ch_get_query_exceptions.sql input file in the support_queries/clickhouse directory.


Ensure you have the following tools/items ready.

  1. kubectl

  2. Clickhouse database credentials

    • Host
    • Port
    • Username
      • If using the bundled version, this is default
    • Password
      • If using the bundled version, this is password
    • Database name
      • If using the bundled version, this is default
  3. Connectivity to the Clickhouse database from the machine you will be running the migration script on.

    • If you are using the bundled version, you may need to port forward the clickhouse service to your local machine.
    • Run kubectl port-forward svc/langsmith-clickhouse 8123:8123 to port forward the clickhouse service to your local machine.
  4. The script to run a support query

    • You can download the script from here

Running the query script

Run the following command to run the desired query:

sh <clickhouse_url> --input path/to/query.sql

For example, if you are using the bundled version with port-forwarding, the command might look like:

sh "clickhouse://default:password@localhost:8123/default" --input support_queries/clickhouse/ch_get_query_exceptions.sql

which will output query logs for all queries that have thrown exceptions in Clickhouse in the last 7 days. To extract this to a file add the flag --output path/to/file.csv

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