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How to use annotation queues

Annotation queues are a user friendly way to quickly cycle through and annotate data.

How to view annotation queues

You can see what annotation queues your organization has by navigating to there on the left-hand sidebar.

Annotation Queue

How to add feedback

You can leave feedback by clicking the Add tag button in the upper right hand corner

Annotation Queue

How to leave a note

You can also leave free form feedback in the form of a note.

Annotation Queue

How to see the trace of the run

By default, you only see the inputs and outputs of the high level run. You can see the full trace by clicking View Run

Annotation Queue

This will open up a side panel with the full run

Annotation Queue

How to cycle through a queue

You can move through a queue in a few ways. Buttons for these are all at the bottom

Annotation Queue

Move to end moves the datapoint you are currently viewing to the end of the queue

Done marks a datapoint as done and removes it from the queue

The -> and <- buttons allow you move the next (or the prior) datapoint in the queue.

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