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Implement distributed tracing

Sometimes, you need to trace a request across multiple services.

LangSmith supports distributed tracing out of the box, linking runs within a trace across services using context propagation headers (langsmith-trace and optional baggage for metadata/tags).

Example client-server setup:

  • Trace starts on client
  • Continues on server

Distributed tracing in Python

from langsmith.run_helpers import get_current_run_tree, traceable
import httpx

async def my_client_function():
headers = {}
async with httpx.AsyncClient(base_url="...") as client:
if run_tree := get_current_run_tree():
# add langsmith-id to headers
return await"/my-route", headers=headers)

Then the server (or other service) can continue the trace by passing the headers in as langsmith_extra:

from langsmith import traceable
from langsmith.run_helpers import tracing_context
from fastapi import FastAPI, Request

async def my_application():

app = FastAPI() # Or Flask, Django, or any other framework"/my-route")
async def fake_route(request: Request):
# request.headers: {"langsmith-trace": "..."}
# as well as optional metadata/tags in `baggage`
with tracing_context(parent=request.headers):
return await my_application()

The example above uses the tracing_context context manager. You can also directly specify the parent run context in the langsmith_extra parameter of a method wrapped with @traceable.

from langsmith.run_helpers import traceable, trace
# ... same as above"/my-route")
async def fake_route(request: Request):
# request.headers: {"langsmith-trace": "..."}
my_application(langsmith_extra={"parent": request.headers})

Distributed tracing in TypeScript


Distributed tracing in TypeScript requires langsmith version >=0.1.31

First, we obtain the current run tree from the client and convert it to langsmith-trace and baggage header values, which we can pass to the server:

// client.mts
import { getCurrentRunTree, traceable } from "langsmith/traceable";

const client = traceable(
async () => {
const runTree = getCurrentRunTree();
return await fetch("...", {
method: "POST",
headers: runTree.toHeaders(),
}).then((a) => a.text());
{ name: "client" }

await client();

Then, the server converts the headers back to a run tree, which it uses to further continue the tracing.

To pass the newly created run tree to a traceable function, we can use the withRunTree helper, which will ensure the run tree is propagated within traceable invocations.

// server.mts
import { RunTree } from "langsmith";
import { traceable, withRunTree } from "langsmith/traceable";

import express from "express";
import bodyParser from "body-parser";

const server = traceable(
(text: string) => `Hello from the server! Received "${text}"`,
{ name: "server" }

const app = express();

app.use(bodyParser.text());"/", async (req, res) => {
const runTree = RunTree.fromHeaders(req.headers);
const result = await withRunTree(runTree, () => server(req.body));

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